First proper experience with Zelda, still spectacular as the day I first played it at launch

The best single player open world I've experienced next to BOTW. Has an entertaining story, scenery that still aged well, a masta-peece

The only way to properly experience Origins. Don't watch the film and instead track this down for one of the best (and gory) licenced movie games

My first Sonic game and one of the best kart racers

A very low hanging fruit right now in terms of mockery. It's okay, the avatar stuff is alright but it sucks how much potential there could've been at the same time. I don't feel insulted by it but it's a game that just exists

The worst sonic game I've played. controls are stiff, special stages are awkward, level design is wonky after Desert Ruins. If you think forces is the worst modern sonic game play this in its entirety and then come back to me

Yeah this is dumb. It's still saved by the sonic stages and being able to glitch/speedrun with the gem powers but it's still dull and the fact there are now people who prefer this over Colours and Forces show how all over the place the fandom is right now.
Still, the pc fan remake is showing some good promise.

Held back by it's repetition later on but has some fun elements that are worth revisiting for a future sonic game

I'm still divided on parts of it but for the first proper structured story for the series it's not too bad

It's still worthy. Don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said a thousand times

I know the DX version isn't the best way to play it but it's still my favorite 3D sonic game and still mostly holds up imo

The best and most memorable of the classics, kept me hooked in 2013, play the ios version fo- oh wait. Uh, play it on Classic Collection if you want it portable until legal stuff gets sorted out

The odd one out of the classics but still worth it for the aesthetic and soundtrack

Still one of the best, again play the ios version for the best experience

Hasn't aged the best in comparison to the rest of the classics but still a step in the right direction for platformers. But play the ios verison for the best experience