the bad news: a flawed game bursting with creativity and brilliant ideas. several of my favorite video game levels of all time alongside one of my most hated. control, camera and movement not quite up to the challenge that the game presents.

the good news: they fixed all that shit in the sequel.

bad news: while the conceit of "the first half of the game is exploring the minds of sane people, the second half is iNsAnE people," was very clever and presented in a very benign way, it feels like a holdover from a different, less compassionate time in our culture.

good news: they fixed all that shit in the sequel!

bad: jack black, armin shimerman, rosearik rikki simons and other celebrity guests aren't in it

good: sequel!!!!!!!1!!!

this review brought to you by psychonauts 2

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2023
