Unreleased Wishlist

Games that I hope some good samaritan decides to dump a ROM/ISO of on the internet or somehow get resurrected in the future.

Ape Escape 4
Ape Escape 4
Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version
Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version
Conker's Other Bad Fur Day
Conker's Other Bad Fur Day
Deep Down
Deep Down
Donkey Kong Racing
Donkey Kong Racing
Half-Life 3
Half-Life 3
Glover 2
Glover 2
Mega Man Legends 3 Project
Mega Man Legends 3 Project
Rayman 4
Rayman 4
EarthBound 64
EarthBound 64
Twelve Tales: Conker 64
Twelve Tales: Conker 64
Toon Panic
Toon Panic
Crash Landed
Banjo X
Banjo X
Chocobo Racing 3D
Chocobo Racing 3D
Dead Phoenix
Dead Phoenix
Dream 64
Dream 64
Dream: Land of Giants
Dream: Land of Giants
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Mega Man Universe
Mega Man Universe
Sabreman Stampede
Sabreman Stampede


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