Unreleased Wishlist

Games that I hope some good samaritan decides to dump a ROM/ISO of on the internet or somehow get resurrected in the future.

Ape Escape 4
Ape Escape 4
Banjo X
Banjo X
Chocobo Racing 3D
Chocobo Racing 3D
Conker's Other Bad Fur Day
Conker's Other Bad Fur Day
Dead Phoenix
Dead Phoenix
Deep Down
Deep Down
Donkey Kong Racing
Donkey Kong Racing
Dream 64
Dream 64
Dream: Land of Giants
Dream: Land of Giants
EarthBound 64
EarthBound 64
Glover 2
Glover 2
Half-Life 3
Half-Life 3
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Kaio: King of Pirates
Mega Man Legends 3 Project
Mega Man Legends 3 Project
Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version
Mega Man Legends 3: Prototype Version
Mega Man Universe
Mega Man Universe
Rayman 4
Rayman 4
Sabreman Stampede
Sabreman Stampede
Toon Panic
Toon Panic
Twelve Tales: Conker 64
Twelve Tales: Conker 64
Crash Landed


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