2 Reviews liked by BrokarisBelmico

holds up tbh. I heard the combat was clunky but I thought it felt pretty good actually. hits have a lot of impact. If anything was hard to get used to it was the fixed camera.

takes a really long time to walk anywhere and while the substories are good the minigames are mostly just gambling and the other side content is pretty meh. probably best to just play the main story and whatever substories you come across organically. that's what I did and I enjoyed it all the way through.

A must have for fans of the original Oddworld games. This one being in 3D might cheese some people off, but the creators have put a lot of effort into this, making new types of enemies to fight, out-think or control. The humour is fun as always and the chance for multiple endings will entice you for multiple playthroughs.

Edit: As a departure from the series, the focus isn't entirely on Abe this time, but Munch who is the last of his species and Abe has to help him by rescuing him and also recovering eggs and such to help bring back his population.

A new mechanic in this game is the sodas that give you temporary abilities and the machine fixed onto Munch's head which malfunctions and can be used to free these fuzzy little creatures that seem cute, until angry where they reveal their razor-sharp fangs and remind me a lot of the aliens from the Critters series.

Abe not only frees more of his people on his journey, but you can even upgrade them to become pretty effective warriors with big clubs or even ranged ones who shoot these energy weapons that can make you unstoppable with enough of them! This was a lot of fun and I can't wait to try out more Oddworld games in the future.