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Pollok is now playing Undertale Yellow

11 days ago

Pollok finished Iron Lung
Dear David Szymanski, I really didnt appreciate that jumpscare, I almost shat myself.

Despite almost giving me a heart attack, the game is an incredible and horrific experience. The atmosphere and mood of the game absorb you, and even with its very simple and limited gameplay, it manages to use those limitations to its advantage. It makes you feel tiny and powerless in front of the ocean where your submarine lies, completely trapping you in the mysterious, isolated, and terrifying ‘ocean of blood’ in which the game takes place.

13 days ago

Pollok completed Sunset Riders
Un gran run and gun, divertido de jugar con amigos, bastante dificil (al menos la version de arcade, no he jugado las otras) pero no llega a sentirse injusto, tiene buenos jefes y los niveles son bastante entretenidos aunque algo cortos.
Recomendado por si quieres jugar un juego corto (no mas de 2 horas) para pasar el rato (solo o co-op).

13 days ago

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