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5 days ago

Bruiserjoe finished Ultima
Is a pretty enjoyable simple game. You can see a lot of elements that influenced the rest of the genre. There are really weird design decisions like the space ace part or the stats being grinded through walking to landmarks, but this game being so early on in the development of RPGs I can look past that. Combat is very simple but satisfying thanks to my satisfaction from seeing numbers change. It is a primordial ooze of RPG elements which still works on a certain level, but like watching an early silent film can only be enjoyed by being able to move your frame of reference backwards in time so you can fully appreciate its elements.

5 days ago

Bruiserjoe completed Ultima

5 days ago

12 days ago

Bruiserjoe backloggd Rasetsu

12 days ago

Bruiserjoe backloggd Thexder

12 days ago

12 days ago

12 days ago

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