Amazing CRPG. Great story and great rpg mechanics. Time limit drags down game, but it's generous enough to not hinder too much.

People take this game too seriously. Is solid top down shooter with decent feedback.

Awesome game. Combat is superb and the horror is very intense. Although I would say the story is pretty bad at points the amazing gameplay and amazing technical feats on display here makes that easy to look past. I also dislike one or two of the puzzles, but those are short and only take a few deaths to figure out.

Gameplay is well done, if a little jank and frustrating at times. But the combat loop is very satisfying and stays in line with the story the creator was trying to tell. Gore is obviously insane in this game, which initially feels like some sort of fetish, but as you play it just seems to be the authors choice in driving home whatever message he was going for. The message is unclear, but the game's very sparse story at least makes you think for a bit. Something about humanity's sins and our relationship with god. The real meat of this game is its well done combat loop which is quick and brutal, especially on the hard difficulty. The game isn't really hard, but it provides enough of a challenge to be interesting for the whole run time. Overall a solid experience with some technical issues and design oversights.

Got bored after like five runs. Is decently fun, but not much to keep my playing.

Finished a playthrough on Zealot recently. The new patch brought a lot of improvments which raised the experience for me. Higher level missions are extremely well balanced and intense, if you have the right team, but that's true of all good horde shooters. Never gets as intense as GTFO but reaches about the same heights as LFD2 and the combat is extremely visceral and satisfying. The only element I think game really lags behind its contemporary's is its optimization and at times story. The world building is great, but the clear lack of direction for the story is a bummer in an otherwise fantastic experience.

Solid casual bullet hell. Banging soundtrack and pretty generic patterns. Doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but the gameplay is extremely refined and feels great.

Solid combat has amazing feedback and captures fantasy of main characters powers. Story is over the top and fun for how edgy it is. Doesn't overstay its welcome


Solid asymmetric multiplayer game. Also has a lot of depth hahaha. You can get rolled over by one good diver or one good shark. Fantastic once you get into it. Have like 50 hours at time of writing this.

Fun little game. Satisfying gameplay, but lack of complexity and depth means this game becomes tedious after playing long enough. Does provide decent enough depth for the pricepoint, so you will get your money's worth. I do like the game being used as a political message, gives a bit more meaning to your gameplay. Overall a solid experience.

Amazing immersive and addicting gameplay. No game besides maybe Dragons Dogma can scratch this games itch.


Masterpiece. Plain and simple. Is a visual feast and is a truly horrifying game. I wouldn't say the game is necessarily fun, but I didn't want to stop playing it. Never felt something like that before in a game. As well the cryptic world and story really pulls you in and grips you. Does have rather clunky combat but fits game. I fucking love this game.

I don't like porn. I slogged through this and was just disgusted the whole time. Don't even know why I wasted my life playing this. Game makes me want to kms

I enjoyed the gameplay, but it overstays its welcome. Game gets repetitive about 2 thirds in. Although there are some great sequences and combat can end up being very satisfying, it is a very shallow experience. Story is utter balls too especially the ending. Boss fights also suck every time.

One of my favorite games of all time. Objectively a masterpiece in game design just because of the base idea, doesn't really matter how it changes. The basic idea is so ingenious that it is a timeless classic.