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I struggle to find the right words to convey how much I adore this game. It was an incredible experience. It had the highest of highs but was also capable of slowing down so you could really connect with the characters, world, and story.

Probably the best-looking game I've ever played? The number of times I just stopped what I was doing and took in my surroundings with my jaw agape. And I NEVER normally do that in games, at least not as consistently as I did here. I could not stop taking screenshots and messing with photo mode.
I could gush about this game for so long.
I cried multiple times.
I adored the combat by the end.
I was so attached to the characters (I cheered when Clive finally kissed Jill, I'm man enough to admit that).
The way I said out loud, multiple times: "This is the coolest thing I've ever seen in a game."
I cannot say enough good things about this game. Incredible. Literally, my only complaint is that I got a little tired of the amount of sidequests. They were a fun diversion to learn more about the world in small doses, but I ended up mashing through dialogue on a couple of them. This is but a minor nitpick, however. I can see why this game disappointed many people, but for some reason it just all clicked for me.

Amazing experience. It had me wrapped around its finger so tight that I procrastinated starting the final mission. THAT IS VERY RARE FOR ME. Ugh, what an unforgettable game.