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SKeLeTrust reviewed Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
Outside of the sound design being ass and the graphics being a tad too bright, it's otherwise still the same Super Mario World I know and love. Though this time around I actually noticed more of World's flaws in general, even taking the differences of Advance 2 in mind.

The secret exits aren't handled the best, as a lot of the time they're either only slightly different than just beating a level normally or less often they're too cryptic. I also wasn't a fan of some levels, when they're either slow or tedious.

That said I think this game's flow is immaculate, and when this game is good it's super good.

16 hrs ago

SKeLeTrust reviewed Super Mario All-Stars
Overall a great way to play all four of these games! The updated visuals are nice, as well as the added save feature being a useful addition (especially for Lost Levels and SMB3)
Lost Levels in particular gets a massive improvement for the Game Over nerf ALONE, and went from being my least favorite to actual favorite of these four games. Though I will say the sound design at certain points definitely could have used some work.

Still though, to have all four of these classics with great remasters in one cartridge is one hell of a deal, especially for the time it was released.

1 day ago

SKeLeTrust reviewed Super Mario Bros. 3
Again, aside from some mediocre sound design choices, otherwise a perfectly solid way to play the game. However, I still recommend Advance 4 over this.

1 day ago

1 day ago

SKeLeTrust completed Super Mario Bros. 2
Don't have much to say for this one's All-Stars version. Just the original with much better graphics and MOSTLY much better sound design. Perhaps the definitive Mario 2 experience!

2 days ago

SKeLeTrust reviewed Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
The All-Stars version of Lost Levels specifically gets a much higher rating from me, solely because of the Game Over nerf. That alone almost completely fixes the issue of tedium the original had, and makes the trial and error of this game A LOT more forgivable. I honestly might even prefer Lost Levels to SMB1 in its entirety if we're talking specifically this version. Some parts are still frustrating and cheap of course but all the challenges I for the most part still had fun traversing through.

2 days ago

SKeLeTrust completed Super Mario Bros.
Regarding the SNES version, I went into it thinking the physics were gonna be worse like everyone else says I have to literally squint to KIND OF notice most differences. I still think this is a great way to play it, and has a good argument for being the definitive SMB1 experience with all the updated visuals. Even though this game in particular doesn't really need it imo, it is cool to have a save feature and the ability to return to any world you desire after beating them.

3 days ago

3 days ago

SKeLeTrust completed Sonic Superstars
This time I beat all of the campaigns, and I did enjoy myself for the most part. Levels can be really fun at their peak, though they can go on for way too long sometimes and its gimmicks do not always work. So, it makes this game not very time attackable for my standards.

This game also has some of the most disrespectful final bosses I've ever played in a platformer

I still like the game, as well as all the good things it introduced and implemented, but hoo boy it took the wrong notes sometimes

3 days ago

SKeLeTrust played Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Yeah, I truly do not think this game is inherently that bad. I think the main thing that pisses people off are the Game Overs that sent the player too far back for every three lives they lose. If this wasn't in the game, I don't think people would be complaining this much, cause I otherwise find it to be an obviously flawed, but still fun challenge to overcome. Occasionally the game does try to troll you, but a lot of what people call "shit design" in this game is greatly exaggerated.

5 days ago

5 days ago

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