Cool game with a cool concept and cool characters and cool enemies.

I can't bee-lieve how good this game is.

Wrestling Metroidvania is not concept that I thought I'd see executed so well, let alone at all.

The final boss is literally one of the worst bosses I've ever fought. The rest of them were pretty good tho.

It has Ghost Rider so it's good.

I too occasionally fight tape dispensers and hole punchers.

Shield is better because it has Allister.

Probably not the best choice for my first DOOM game. That's on me.

Hidden gem. The story and atmosphere is great, the character designs are really fun and unique and the combat is challenging yet enjoyable.

There are some moments that feel like trial and error, but this is still a pretty good horror game with a very dark atmosphere and disturbing story.

Pretty good short and sweet shmup with a funny story.
I think I laughed a little too hard at the ending tho.

Cute game with unique mechanics, but gameplay is really flawed with sluggish controls and less-than-ideal level designs.

Mutant Mudds Deluxe - 7/10
Mutant Mudds Super Challenge - 6/10
Mudd Blocks - 7/10

It's alright. It's unnecessary, but it's alright.

- Caddicarus