6 reviews liked by Buster01

The irony of calling the game “Kirby’s Dream Buffet” is that there is very little variety anywhere to be found. This game is more like a fancy restaurant where they give you a tiny plate with a single entrée curated in advance–except that a fancy restaurant would probably actually give a quality product. Gameplay-wise, Dream Buffet is similar to Fall Guys, except instead of it having dozens of players chaotically brawling, Dream Buffet has a few Kirbys and Waddle Dees basically just holding forward the whole time.

It might make a decent 4-player party game IF playing with 4 people was even an option. In one of the dumbest decisions possibly ever, the game is capped at 2 players in local multiplayer and fills in two split-screen segments with computers.

quite disappointed. was a snooze fest at times and did not like the end boss.

This is one of the only Mario games I can just pick up and have fun with, the movement is so fun

After nine months of thinking about this game, I've changed my mind. This is, in actuality, a 5/5 video game and I was a coward for not scoring it accordingly the first time!!

Bugsnax continues to be my only Platinum trophy. 100% baby! All the challenges, all the furniture, all the hats, and Wambus ate the secret final fast Bugsnak.


Starts off fun but starts to drag quickly if you try to collect all the Waddle-Dees, Crystal Stars, and Soul Fragments. They really want you to play the same levels over and over and over for some reason.

Also I'm not sure if Kirby's body is meant to do any of these terrible things, but it's probably best I forget about that too.