18 reviews liked by BuzzNutter

It felt like an expansion to Doom. The only new things about this game are a few new enemies and one new gun. I liked the inclusion of a final boss, which made it different from the other demons. I only played Hell on Earth, as that's what the game launched with. There's are some other expansion packs included in the game but there just extra levels. This game is pretty much Doom but with a couple of new features. I wouldn't recommend playing it unless you feel the need to.

Wait wtf how is this actually pretty good

The game does everything worse than the original, except the graphics of course. Combat is not as fun and the story is so boring. Leon is not as interesting as he was in the original. The level design is soo much better in the original, and every level they changed was for the worse, and every level design they kept made it interesting. They should have stuck to the winning formula. But still, this is a good game and I had fun with it.

Original is my favourite game of all time and I've beaten it many times. While with this one, I don't think I'm gonna be doing another playthrough.

i pity whoever plays this without a guide

The NieR Automata of 7th gen Shooters

The greatest couch co-op vs mode in all of gaming.
"The Pit" is the best multiplayer map on this planet.

I was mostly interested in this game for the Halo Reach Beta, but it ended up being one of my favorites in the whole series.

Aujourd'hui je lui donnerais une note différente, mais ce jeu a été un traumatisme majeur de mon enfance.

Histoire très sympa et excellemment bien écrite, gameplay légèrement répétitifs

The greatest video game ever, hands down