Spider-Man Miles Morales


As someone who loved the original Spider-Man on PS4, Miles had a lot to live up to. And despite essentially serving as a bridge game between 1 and 2, Miles remains a damn good time.

The characters and writing overall remain about on par as the first game. Miles and Ganke in particular being the absolute highlight with the latter being the chillest nerd bro I could ever ask for and Miles being a genuinely fantastic character in this game. Dare I say I almost like him a bit more than Peter from 2018 and that is saying a lot. They're close though.

The gameplay and exploration are about the same as in the first game. The main difference is miles new abilities of camo and venom powers. While I think the former is a little too good and enemies adapting to the camo earlier on would've made the mechanic better, the latter is a thrilling combat edition as it also acts as a risk reward system between powerful electronic attacks and self sufficiency with healing. And man do you need it in this game cause I swear enemies kick your shit in way more in this game. I kind of dig it though

The visuals of this game are just as gorgeous as 2018 Spidey with it being improved for being a PS5 showcase. The aesthetic of this game is also something I have to praise. I'm such a huge sucker for the winter theming and with it being close to Christmas in the game just makes it feel like a cozy, chill time.

The last thing to mention is the underlying plot and unfortunately I think that's the weakest aspect. I won't go too in depth here because again I wanted to keep this brief but man, it's not a good sign that the main villain of the game had me going "oh brother" for like the last 3 hours of the game and the villain before hand is the biggest mustache twirler you could ask for.

Aside from that, it's still a really good game. Definitely more bite size (clocking in just under 14 hours after 100%) and I still overall prefer Spider-Man 1, but Miles is a damn good time and was a great way to bridge the gap for Spidey 2.