Honestly, this Fire Emblem is very beautiful and its music is spectacular, but apart from that, the game is bad. There's no other way to put it. The story is very weak; it couldn't be more cliché, and the interactions between characters are too few and quite bland. Not to mention that the characters treat you like a deity, which often makes the dialogues seem strange. It's the worst FE game in a long time. I won't say more because I know this game is merely a commemorative one for FE, which is probably why it has this classic storyline reminiscent of the early FE games and a linear plot.

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Honestly, this game had the potential to be one of the best Fire Emblems ever made. The main cast was quite interesting, and the story, while seemingly simple and classic at the beginning, had twists that were executed remarkably well. Not to mention, there was an improvement in gameplay compared to the previous Fire Emblem. The music in this game includes some bangers, but the majority are just mid, which leads me to say that this game didn't quite hit the mark.

In my personal opinion, one of the last parts of the game where Eliwood kills Ninian, who was in dragon form, only to have her brought back to life, felt like some BS that they pulled out of nowhere. But at the same time, I didn't want Ninian to die either, so I wasn't exactly upset. It's a good game, honestly, nothing extraordinary. If you're a fan of the franchise, it's definitely worth playing. Lyn best girl."

I don't care what anyone says. The game has a weak plot - YES. The game sometimes has bugs or doesn't make sense - YES. The gameplay is peak SMT - YES. This game is undoubtedly the best SMT in all aspects except the story. Even then, I quite liked the story of this game. Obviously, it's not mind-blowing, but it's a good story mixed with a beautiful game, which makes it even better.

Finally, I understand why everyone speaks so highly of this game. It truly excels in almost every aspect compared to the first one, or at least in most. The music and graphics remain in the same style without many drastic changes, but aside from that, the game has seen various improvements over the first installment.

One of the worst parts of the first game was the excessive grinding required between chapters, which made the game incredibly tedious. This aspect was significantly improved in this game, making it much more dynamic. Another disappointment in the previous game was the lack of interaction between characters and even stories involving two or more different characters. In this game, there are more interactions, including chapters that mix two characters from the cast in a different storyline.

Continuing on the theme of characters and story, there was only one character in this game that I didn't like and thought was inferior to the others. However, even this character had a more interesting story than the weakest link in the first game. For me, this game was superior to the first one in every way because it addressed all the 'problems' I found in the first one: lack of interaction, tedious grinding, and uninteresting storylines.

It's hard to believe that from the terrible game that was Xenoblade 1 came this incredible game. The story of this game is much more interesting than the other two titles in the saga. This time, there were truly interesting characters who weren't just generic anime tropes and had some real personality, which was amazing. The story is full of interesting twists that make you want to keep playing, and the gameplay, which for me was always the weakest point of the Xenoblade series, wasn't bad in this game. Obviously, it still isn't the best combat gameplay in the world, but compared to what it was in Xenoblade 1, the improvement is absurd.

Honestly, aside from minor plot holes or annoying mechanics, I have zero bad things to say about this game. The soundtrack of this game was incredible, just like Xenoblade 2's soundtrack. It was worth enduring Xenoblade 1 until the end to have the complete experience of this game.

I didn't expect anything, but I got everything. The game is absolutely incredible. The gameplay is incredibly addictive and so much fun to play, and the story somehow made me interested in each of the characters, and believe me, there were a lot of characters. There's just one thing to say about this game: Incredible.