If you can get past the gacha part of the game, you'll find a great story behind it. The gameplay is repetitive and not the most enjoyable, but it's okay. Even if you're not interested in the game, I would recommend searching for the story and pretending that it's a VN ((How much more money should I spend to get my waifu, damnit???))

I know what I'm going to say now seems completely wrong but the game is really fun, I played it a lot at the time it was released, it's definitely one of the best anime games I've ever played

Parry the game (with cool samurai story)

strange jouney would be a solid game 7 but its gameplay makes me have to give a lower rating the game's story is nothing special it is incredibly dated the classic humans are bad bla bla the game only has practically 3 relevant characters all with a very direct personality that stays the same from beginning to end only getting more extreme the gamplay is standard for past and future SMTs the encounter rate is very high but nothing that destroys the game but the reason for the low rating is only 1 the game is a maze every map is an endless maze with warps that put you in random places on the map or holes that make you lose hours of progress on the map. I can say for sure that 80% of the time in this game you don't spend grinding or with bosses you spend walking through the gigantic map of this game without any direction looking for an item that is in some random place on this map if you like mazes this game is for you but if you like spending more time actually playing the game instead of wandering aimlessly around the map I would pass this game

The fourth and final game in the Trails of Cold Steel series definitely ended on a high note! The graphics remained in high quality, the soundtrack better than ever, and seeing this complex world they built since the first game unfold is an incredible experience. Meeting old characters with a cohesive and exciting story, and with an incredible ending for this Erebonia saga, which was undoubtedly as amazing as the Crossbell and Liberl arcs, or even better!

The new saga of the Zemurian continent begins, this time in Calvard, and it's one of the best games in the series to date, without a doubt. In summary, our protagonist this time is a mercenary/jack-of-all-trades who, due to various factors, ends up helping a girl recover something important to her.

In terms of gameplay, this game implemented a real-time combat system that was very interesting and gave a fresh feel to the game, making it more dynamic. Being able to move during turn-based battles, similar to what happens in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, for example, was a great addition to the game. With graphics that are undoubtedly more beautiful than the previous ones, in terms of graphics, UI, gameplay, absolutely everything, it's the best game Falcom has ever made by far, only falling behind in my opinion to the most recent Ys games.

In terms of story, this game follows the classic Falcom style, full of characters with their own stories and objectives that you get to know better throughout your journey. Unlike previous games in the Zemurian saga, where the first game tends to be more introductory as it presents the world and the characters, in this one, the story is already incredibly interesting. I can't wait for them to translate Kuro 2!

I wasn't expecting that right after Trails 4, Falcom would make another banger bringing together iconic characters from Liberl, Crossbell, and Erebonia on a new mission together. It was incredible to see characters from previous series in the new graphics, as well as playing with them again in the new game mechanics. Even the new characters introduced were well implemented into the plot naturally. The internal jokes with the protagonists that appeared from time to time were also funny, as well as answering various questions that remained unanswered for a long time throughout all the Zemuria games so far.