Persona 5 took everything they got wrong in the first two games to improve, unlike Persona 4. The main cast of this game has several interesting characters, and even outside of the main social links, there are many intriguing characters with their own stories. The main story of the game is very good, with the Phantom Thieves and palaces being very well-implemented ideas. In the main game, towards the end, the quality drops rapidly, and the last boss is terrible, with the palaces being too long. In this new game, they fixed all of that. All the added characters are very cool, and various new mini-games were other modifications. The ending this time around was also incredible, with a last boss that ties in perfectly with the entire concept of the game, unlike the first.

Best lego game ever! fight me!

A terrible game, terrible gameplay with an even worse story, even if you ignore the gameplay, the game is still bad, even if they tried to make a more cliched story, I believe it would be impossible, I can remember several times during the game that I managed to guess even the lines of all the characters. the characters are incredibly boring with the common troupe of anime characters without adding anything new being incredibly predictable the combat system is on the same level I don't know how I managed to finish this game and one of the biggest mysteries in the industry how this game was the prequel to peak games like xenoblade 2 and 3

How do guys combine two of my favorite franchises and make such a bad game? The game itself is a normal, very easy SMT. The biggest problem is the story, which isn't the best. Pizza and hot dogs are very tasty, but if you throwing one on top of the other doesn't work well

The game is quite different from other titles in the SMT series. The combat is very interesting and dynamic. Coordinating your demons in battle is very interesting, a type of combat that you don't see in other SMT series titles or even Persona, which follow the standard turn-based combat. Additionally, it has good soundtracks, but nothing spectacular. The story is the weak point of the game. At first, it tries to be a mystery and works very well, but after a few chapters, the story becomes tedious and only gets worse. In the last chapter, it returns a bit, but nothing remarkable. The characters are one of the highlights of the game. The MC is the classic silent protagonist, but he has a very interesting personality that you can notice. And the support characters, all have distinctive and charismatic personalities.

Persona 1 is a disappointing experience that fails to live up to its potential. The story is very simple and predictable , while the gameplay mechanics are lackluster and fail to provide a satisfying experience having the player walk 2 steps and enemy jumps on you.Overall, Persona 1 feels like a missed opportunity rather than a memorable gaming experience but the soundtrack of this game is banger after banger if there is a solid good point of this game is the soundtrack(of the psp version not the original one) and of course it was the start of a good franchise.

The story is quite simple but has interesting points. The best part of the story, undoubtedly, is the new route that was added after the original game without a doubt, the only relevant characters are your pixie; the rest only appear at specific moments for a short time. The character design wasn't anything special, unlike what we usually see from Atlus, who always creates spectacular character designs. The only thing they got right with this game was the gameplay. The combat is very well done, which makes you want to play and improve in the game. If I were to base my rating on the story, soundtrack, or characters, this game would definitely be far from 4 stars. However, since gameplay is very important to me in a game, it's what makes it a 4-star game.

This is the first Persona game that truly feels like a Persona game. The story is interesting with cool characters. The game's UI isn't the best, but it's much better than that of EP. However, it's still a game from 1999, so it's hard to judge.

Without a doubt, Yakuza 3 is the worst Yakuza game. However, it's still a good game until halfway through. The story is incredibly slow and lacks any emotion, even becoming dull. The game significantly improves in the second half, but even so, the first half almost made me drop it because it was so boring. If you've reached the third game, don't drop it now; the upcoming games improve almost exponentially! Good luck!

By far the best Assassin's Creed, the story is incredibly well-crafted. The two protagonists having personalities like oil and water works extremely well. Even the side quests are interesting. It's a pity that after Ubisoft reached the peak with this Assassin's Creed, they went from bad to worse.

Yakuza 4 flips the script by giving us not just one, but four main characters to root for. Instead of sticking with Kiryu's story, we get to dive into the lives of these four different folks, each with their own plotline. They're all pretty solid on their own, but when their stories collide at the end, it's like fireworks.

The game's storytelling is like a crazy quilt - all these different pieces coming together to make something awesome. When these characters finally meet up, it's like hitting the jackpot. Yakuza 4 shakes things up in the best way, showing us just how unpredictable and exciting the series can be.

It seems like an incredibly generic anime game at first, but when you start playing, you realize that the developers put a lot of thought into the story and that they're cooking something good. There aren't any spectacular events or anything like that in this game, but as the wise ones say, let them cook.

And that's it, in this game you see everything they built in the first one appearing and see how it unfolded. How can they manage to do world-building of this level is marvelous. The first one is really weak, but it's because the entire first game was basically them preparing the ground for the second one, which makes use of everything from the first.

This game has seen an absurd improvement in graphics and gameplay compared to the other. They completely changed the theme with various new characters, and everything is very well put together, just like the first one. Even within the game, you can perceive that once again, you have to let the developers cook for the next game. However, this one is incomparable to the first because even on its own, it would still be an incredible game.

Persona 4 follows the pattern of its predecessor, featuring turn-based battles and social links as its main gameplay elements. However, unlike Persona 3, the main cast of Persona 4 is extremely weak. The standout character in this game is Yusuke, who is genuinely cool, and his social link is also enjoyable. Aside from him, I find Kanji somewhat interesting, but even then, not so much.

The main female characters are incredibly bland, with personalities typical of anime tropes. For instance, there's the girl who eats a lot of meat and fights, a trope seen often in anime. Outside of the main characters, the supporting characters aren't interesting either, except in my opinion, for Nanako and Dojima, who have good social links. Marie's storyline in Golden is also interesting, but she only exists in that version.

The game's story is akin to Scooby-Doo, and the main villain is just a crazy guy. He had no other reason besides being a crazy guy. Not saying that every bad guy has to have a tragic backstory and morally questionable ideas; there are plenty of bad guys who are just bad guys but have a lot of charisma, like Dio from JoJo, for example, which wasn't the case for this villain.

Despite all of this, Persona 4 remains an incredibly fun game to play. However, among all the Persona games (except for 1), this one is undoubtedly the weakest.