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January 25, 2023

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A game!! For a followup to Spark 1 I never understood a full-on 3D platformer. And ngl I kinda wish they stuck with their old formula? When I wasn't struggling with the controls I was shredding bosses in 40 seconds... A weird one for sure

^Snippet review from my Twitter thread

I remember never being fond of this game when I first saw it a few years back. It was only until now that I decided to finally give this game a fair shot.

Has my opinion changed? Not really.

There's one thing for sure: the game's super fun to control. It feels nice blasting through stages and carrying all the momentum you can build up. What doesn't feel nice is struggling to keep my balance on these winding and convoluted highways that the game loves putting me on at max speed.There were more than a few times where I flew off, and, because I was upside-down, just fell to my doom (which sometimes took 30 seconds to actually die???).

Aside from the platforming, the combat was honestly lackluster. None of the abilties feel any different from each other when approaching an enemy; you just mash X and go to town, sometimes hitting LB to parry whatever counterattack your enemy throws at you (if they don't die in one hit, that is). With this, I was able to simply destroy every boss in less than 70 seconds each, getting every gold and almost every platinum time medal for the boss stages exclusively. Not even the final boss put up that much of a fight.

Speaking of the final boss, good god the story... I feel like this game takes itself a little too seriously at times. I often just laughed at all the things happening with characters I hardly even had time to get to know. Did I mention this game is only, like, 2 hours long? I could'a sworn Spark 1 was longer...

All in all, this game is mediocre. I highly recommend the first one over this.

also lol the game takes a lot from adventure 2 like holy shit