Fun multiplayer game to play with friends. Or fun to play alone and play as your favorite horror characters

Silly and fun game with friends

So much promised content, such poor delivery

Really cool game. Played for about 24 hours and felt that there was so much to do and I was never able to stay on track with one thing at a time

Cool story, very unbalanced

Cool game, very grindy especially to get the in game currency. Can be very repetitive at times. Played this a long time ago but I am sure they have made tons of improvements to the game

Fun game with friends online

Does not live up to dying light 1. Most boring protagonist I’ve ever seen. Improved upon some aspects but were overly ambitious on most other parts

Amazing gameplay, story is kinda mid. Still holds up years later

Personally my favorite gunplay in the series and improvements upon the reach mechanics but the story does not compare to reach

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Amazing halo game, great memories and amazing story. My game glitched and I never played the stealth story mission. Wish the game had passive running in it

Amazing Mario game that really set the tone for 3D platformers. Only limited by its mechanics of the time, would be a 5/5 with modern day controllers

It’s Skyrim, great replay value and so many fun quests to do. It’s amazing that I haven’t beat the main story still