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Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

October 27, 2022

First played

October 25, 2022

Platforms Played


So I bought this game years ago and never really properly finished it despite getting to Stage 6 on my first go, mostly out of curiosity and what not.

It basically being a Castlevania game not made by Konami but still headed by Iga and video reviews I saw at the time compelled me to give it a shot and now having played it and other Classicvania titles I can safely say this is the one I think does it best.

I think reusing the multiple switchable character aspect from Castlevania 3 plays a big role in why I enjoy this game over something like Rondo. Every character serves a specific role, and no one character supersedes another in regards to combat or level progression.

Zangetsu has the highest damage output, being able to attack at a faster rate than the others, but he can't jump as high as Miriam who also has a longer range whip that does less damage. Neither can utilize the powerful spells of Alfred, but he also can't take many hits or do much in the way of physical damage, and Gebel while having a powerful attack and a bat transformation, cannot use any subweapons of any kind.

This results in you having to strategize for every scenario coming ahead, do you need to cross a large bottomless pit to proceed through the stage faster? Is there an upgrade that requires a high jump and a slide? Is there an enemy who you cannot bypass without freezing them? All these scenarios alongside the game's unique lives system forces you to pick your route accordingly.

On that live system, what makes it unique is that you don't lose a life if one character dies. You only lose a life if all four characters die, but if a character dies you will not be able to utilize them or their capabilities until you either finish a stage or lose your current life.

What this means is that those certain scenarios can become unsolvable if the required character is dead. However instead of being softlocked, you are simply pushed into a longer, possibly more arduous route than you would be. But said route could also contain different secrets and helpful items to give you an advantage.

That's honestly what makes Bloodstained so great, is that it takes the aspects that worked in the Classicvania lineup and improves upon them, and I'm not a big Classicvania guy.

I've beaten this game 4 times at this point, two times on Veteran and two times on Casual, and I had fun all four times.

Veteran is just challenging enough to make you sweat and think, but also doesn't feel like outright bullshit. Casual is a bit too easy though, I will say. Casual just throws healing items at the player and you have infinite lives so if you want my thoughts, just play on Veteran it isn't that hard.

Anyways yeah this is the best Classicvania and yes, I am saying that to piss somebody off.

P.S. Ritual of the Night though... kinda icky.

I honestly think the only reason I haven't finished this game is because I've forgotten too with all the other games I've played.