Lunacid 2023

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This scratches a very specific itch, but if you do have that itch, it feels like home. This is an honest to goodness spiritual successor to Shadow Tower and its kin, and if you know what that means, that'll either frighten you dearly or set off long-dormant bulbs in your head.

Combat is dicey, it's easy to get lost, and savepoints are sparse—you're afraid to stray too far from what's familiar, and every adventure is a risk, exactly as it should be (although when more content drops, I am definitely drawing my own maps, navigation is TRICKY). The first couple hours of this game are perfect, and I do not use that word lightly.

That said, leveling is too fast or scaling is too generous, I can't tell which, and it stripped meaning from specialising in certain stats by making me a tanky dps powerhouse even as I focused on SPD and DEX. Items that offer +40 to max health or mana would be SUPER COOL finds, if only that wasn't easily attainable from just one level-up's worth of DEF or INT points, and leveling up is never terribly hard. The pre-castle area's placement also feels like a misstep, fracturing an otherwise gingerly interconnected world with too much space at [what I assume will be] a pivotal moment and flaunting the game's tonal hand too early. This is all peanuts though, and thinking about this game is just as rewarding as playing it. Also it just casually drops one of the best areas in any dungeon crawler ever as an optional side-route hinted at the moment the game kicks into gear. Lunacid brings me joy