It concerns me a little too much that somebody designed that Mother Brain boss and decided it's good enough to ship with complete game.

Reviewed on Sep 05, 2021


Git gud

2 years ago

You're bad.

2 years ago

I finished it on a second try it's still an awful boss that tests just how many canisters you found rather than any mechanical skills.

2 years ago

I like this game but cakewalking isn't missing here.

saying "get good" as a defense against valid criticism is peabrain shit.

2 years ago

There’s nothing wrong with MB aside from the sometimes annoying lava. Jumping over MB’s lasers while maneuvering around the enemies tests the player’s platforming skills, and destroying the enemies makes them drop health and missiles. It’s a well-designed final boss that any player could defeat regardless of how many health or missile tanks they picked up. The player just has to be skilled enough.
By just increasing the width of the platforms a bit, the boss would be perfectly fine.

2 years ago

ok cool

1 year ago

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