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No wonder the so-called best game of all-time elected by IGN readers would be the ultimate zelda shirt cargo shorts choice. God of War is pretty damn well made and no part of it is painfully mediocre, it's likely one of the more enjoyable games I played in the past 12 months.

It's also the most committee designed products I experienced in years, grabbing onto every single "prestige" gaming trend of 7th-8th console generation. What's the most popular mythological setting right now? Oh, let's have Kratos immigrate to Skyrim. Last of Us invented storytelling? Then Kratos must not be able to put his hand on boy's shoulder until character development kicks in. Wait, air juggling is cool again? Then there must be a simple launcher with a 3-button combo that can keep an enemy in the air. Does gear system even make sense in our action game? Fuck it, let there be loot. This goes on and on, reading other reviews on this page would leave you with a sizeable checklist of stuff borrowed from other games. No wonder game's most exciting and popular sequence is when you get chainswords back. For a moment, nu-GoW stops being everything and with ceremonial fanfare remembers what it's like to be something! Even a sparkle of personality seems like hearthfire.

Overall I come from this game award winning action adventure hack-and-slash title with empty head. It's pretty good, not once I felt bored or not engaged enough. I won't recall a single thing from it in a week.

Reviewed on May 25, 2022


2 years ago

"ultimate zelda shirt cargo shorts choice" I need to use that WAY more often. Great points and great review, lmfao

2 years ago

"For a moment, nu-GoW stops being everything and with ceremonial fanfare remembers what it's like to be something!"
This was an extremely well written sentence. Good review.