Didn't want to write this review based on the early access version, but I'm really not sure what's with negativity here. Prodeus is quite fine, even good actually. It's boomer comfort food, so initially I have also been wondering how it's marginally different from flashy Doom wads, but strenghts of it became apparent as I progressed.

The level design is pretty tight, encounters are well paced and there's great variety to how they flow level to level. From descending vertical floors to vast horizontal fields, I had plenty of neat gameplay moments simply due to good enemy spawns and level layouts. The weapon balance so far has been some of the best in the genre as I found situations where every weapon out of initial 11 has been particularly useful. Even plasmagun which is usually just an underwhelming replaceable projectile assault rifle has a neat quirk that makes the gun very handy if you need to shoot something down from safety behind the corner.

If I had to nitpick it that would be for lacking visual clarity in enemy silhouttes, which is not that bad usually, but in a game about enemy prioritization and space management it led to a few frustrating moments when I confused a shotgunner with a simple zombie or didn't notice an approaching pressure demon. Also weapons requiring reloading went against my instincts initially, but it was fine once I adjusted.

Verdict so far? Pretty cool. We'll see how it goes once the full game is out.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2021
