Sweet VR rhythm game that's clearly inspired by the likes of Beat Saber, but the form of physical activity it asks you to participate in I found to be pretty remarkable.

While Beat Saber, from what I played, mostly involves palm and hand movement with occasional obstacles dodging, in Pistol Whip you have to constantly juggle aiming, shooting, reloading, bullets dodging, obstacles dodging and melee attacks (titular pistol whipping) which makes it the most sweaty and intensive acyclical aerobic game I played in VR. I also appreciate that the game doesn't neccesarily force you abide to the rhythm, but awards more points to shots aligning. This approach smoothes out difficulty and learning curve (as the game is quite intensive as it is) and prepares you for high score runs once you come to sport the base activity and ready to incorporate the rhythm in your gameplay.

It's only really held back by a short track list and pretty low variety of EDM genres represented, but devs has shown the willingness to add more content with updates.

Overall? Heck of a good time, and you come a bit healthier from it.

Pathologic 2 occupied my mental state. I had a tetris-like experience with it, when at some point my dreams became Pathologic as I kept seeing the imagery of the town and contant time opression. It's such an engaging game and the most surprising thing about it is how enjoyable it was to play. If you try to break it down to basics then you can describe Patholofic 2 a routing/resource management game. Each in-game day you have several objectives to fulfill which will be sparsely spread around the town and the aim is to create the route optimized, ideally, for the best time and most conservative resource expendeture. As you come to grips with mechanics and learn the structure of the city you also learn how to circumvent cutthroat resource drain through exploration, barter, crafting and timely task fulfilment. But Pathologic wouldn't be Pathologic if it didn't try to bring you back to your knees when you start to get a handle of the whole process. The game constantly throws curveballs in your plans by changing the state of the world and even its own rules each new day of the play. This an ever-regressing world and as one of the most important people in the town you gain opportunities to slow down the degradation, but since mistakes are unavoidable you will find yourselves in situations when you have to give up something important. While struggling for your own life you'll probably have to stop pursuing a goal, or give up a chance to gain information, or maybe you'll have to bet on the life of a story character. Dialogue and character interactions themselves become the reward in such an opressive gameplay flow. The journey to unfold the nature of the cosm is full of pain, dread and sorrow, but it's also one of the most rewarding gaming experiences you can have. Masterpiece