Loved it all the way through, a definite play for anyone interested in story-driven RPGs. The combat feels heavily unfinished and underwhelming, and I think the game would have benefited without it. Other than that I was enjoying the story, and was glued to my seat for the final chapters.

A beautiful looking game that falls short on everything else. It really resonated with me at first, but the plot was confusing and the majority of the puzzles seemed insignificant. There were times I had to reload more than I would have liked to, and sit through varying lengths of unskippable dialogue. I felt somewhat agitated throughout the game, and it occasionally sort of felt like a chore when you can't figure out what is happening.

An amazing Rouge-like with Bullet Hell aspects and heavy focus on "raid mechanics" inspired by those found in mmo games. There are plenty of play styles and classes, and the game play is engaging. It is a great experience alone or with friends/strangers.

My only big complaint is that the story is extremely lacking and also painfully grindy, requiring you to enter certain zones multiple times and then completing 6 full runs of the game to finish the story. You can enjoy the game to it's fullest without even touching the story, but it makes me disappointed at how it turned out.

A very short, but fun (and free) game about a little dog that causes more financial damage to a single home of 4 than a town hit by a natural disaster.

I honestly don't know what to think. I like the artstyle of the mc, but then you actually play it and everyone else is just completely different. The mild sexual themes didn't personally bother me, but I still found it weird. The level design was pretty bad, and the game would randomly get really loud but I surprisingly didn't find myself bored at all. The intermission cutscenes didn't make any sense and the ending surely didn't help me understand either.

It was sort of fun, but it doesn't seem worth the massive disk space and the fact that I had to reinstall the entire game each time for the first few updates because there was an issue causing both my hard drive and ssd to max out usage and make my pc unusable. I may return to it some day, but after that happening im not sure.

One of my all time favorite games, you can experience everything it has without needing to spend extra on anything. It often mentions that there are no microtranscations, and for a good reason. All money and items are rewarded just by playing the game, and there is plenty to do. It is more enjoyable with other people, friends or strangers, but you can play most minigames alone.

You should know that this game is NOT a rhythm game, and many people usually class it as a "music based platformer". The controls are incredibly simple to learn, just click. However mastering this game takes time and plenty of trial and error. Even if user levels aren't your thing, there is plenty of official content such as main levels, map packs, gauntlets, and more coming in the next update.

Despite its age the game holds up well, and it still gets updated every once in a while. Its a bit of a grind to reach endgame, but you can experience the main campaign solo. I personally didnt mind the grind too much, but having more people (or more controllers) speeds leveling up.

A very relaxing farming sim game that you can play alone, or preferably with friends. The game is fairly linear and repetitive once you reach a certain point, but if you take it slow there is a lot you can enjoy.

Its a fairly short adventure game with small puzzles and a decent rhythm mini game, but the story gets fairly deep and it caught me off guard. I very much enjoyed exploring to finish all the achievements by getting collectables and doing small hidden tasks.

I regret not spending enough time on this game before it shut down, but there was a lot of charm to it. With its chibi style, the most of my enjoyment came from world exploration and performances. Even if the gameplay was supposedly not great, it was definitely a fun and relaxing place to chill.

My very first Pokemon game, and it also happens to be my favorite one too. The only complaint I have is the Safari Zone not featuring the Safari Game, but other than that I have spent many hours shiny hunting, training, doing contests and battles, and trading.

There isnt much content to this game, but it is fun for what is there. I could see it as a fun party game with friends, where you each take turns putting on the headset and trying a round or two.

A very highly moddable game and you might already know that, but the base game holds up well too. My first playthrough was fully vanilla and I got quite a lot of enjoyment out of it. Modding is definitely not easy, but if you have any kind of experience then you should be able to figure it out with a guide.