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2 days ago

CanusAntonius completed Portal

2 days ago

6 days ago

CanusAntonius finished 20 Small Mazes
A short yet sweet game in which you are given multiple panels that consist of 20 Mazes. The panels can be clicked and dragged different places allowing you to tackle them in whatever order you want. Each of the mazes consist of their own gimmick which makes for a pretty interesting game, in just a short time you'll see plenty of neat ideas.

Would recommend for a relaxing break.

8 days ago

CanusAntonius earned the N00b badge

8 days ago

CanusAntonius finished Minishoot' Adventures
Minishoot Adventures is a top down twin stick shooter that features an overworld that feels very similar to the other Zelda games, but with the combat making it feel completely unique in its own right. For a shooter game you'll also probably be surprised to know it's actually somewhat easy, with the middle difficulty hardly causing many deaths for me.

The way the world is structured is pretty generous in terms of making shortcuts to travel places faster. For fast travel there's only a way to teleport back to tour home base, but I assure you this isn't much of an issue since you can get from one end of the map to another in less than a minute eventually. The game will encourage you to head to certain objectives which it'll mark on the map, but of course there are dozens of secrets to obtain everywhere. Even more generous of the game is the fact it offers upgrades that can mark secret items on the map, so anyone can be a true completionist here.

The combat of course is what makes this game interesting you move your ship with one stick and shoot with the other. Eventually you get items that give a few new mechanics that will also let you explore more areas. There is also a level up system that gives you points to upgrade stats that can you respec at any time. On the other side of the coin are the enemies, and there's a good few of them that make sure the game never gets boring, alongside fun bosses that don't outstay their welcome.

Overall, definitely a delightful game that certainly lives up to the name of adventure. The exploration aspect is fun, the combat is slick, and the storyline it has was also cute. Definitely a recommendation from me.

8 days ago

13 days ago

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