373 reviews liked by Caps_Matador

Peak SMT. No press turn? No problem! Just shove a katana down Jack Frost's Rectum!!!

Review after platinum
its the biggest piece of bullshit i've ever played

I don't think I've ever been so astronomically bored with a game in my life. Gungrave G.O.R.E feels like someone looked at DMC2 and considered it the staple for all action titles ever.

The controls are clunky, the combat is boring, and the bosses are infuriating to fight against. The game looks bad, mimicking PS3 graphics quality, and Grave looks like if Daisuke Ishiwatari designed Shadow the Hedgehog while also looking identical to my 12th grade English teacher before his hair went white.

The only saving grace I can imagine for this game is that the writing is hilariously and almost intentionally bad. Corny beyond words, the entire premise is almost enough to make me want to keep playing this game.

There's a specific reason why nobody has tried to make an action game primarily about shooting guns. It just isn't fun. Make an actual shooter instead.

I must've said "this game is aids" like 20 times while in a call with my friends

Guys the remixes grow on you once you hear them 400 times trust

(Played in ENG on Hard)

Amazing. Breathtaking. Better than SMT4. Better than all Megaten. Absolutely perfect game. Skyrim robbed this of GOTY, and this game deserves vengeance and recognition.

i used to love this game so much that when i was a kid my dad tried to take the tablet back but i wanted to keep playing so i karate kicked it out of his hands and broke it

- abra o jogo
- o jogo está aberto

esse jogo é tipo:
- domine esse castelo
- repita isso 52392085920358932 vezes
- esmague as próprias bolas com um martelo de guerra
- aaaaahhhhhhh minhas bolas