Holy fuck this game is so good

Really not a fan of this game in single player, the drifting is terrible

An upgrade over Super Mario Kart, still not brilliant but some of the graphics do look nice

The worst mario kart but it is the first entry so

peak but the sequels get even better

This game gave me years of enjoyment and cause me to meet good friends that are still my friends to this day, it will always hold a place in my heart

I really like this game tbh, I like the Kalos region, some of the new pokemon are cool and I like the character customisation. yeah, it could be a better game but I still enjoy it.

This one isn't for me... I lost interest

This game has a certain charm to it that's different to the others, while I still prefer some of the later games this one is a solid game

I would kill someone for a deluxeria version of this game

tomodachi life is better but this game's OST slaps