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Time Played

26h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 25, 2024

First played

March 30, 2024

Platforms Played


Take all the modern PS360 era clichés and put them all in one game, add some shaky ass camera, a non-functional cover system and general jank that ruin an otherwise really good gameplay, and you get Resident Evil 6.
Story is divided in 4 campaigns, and I'd consider only one of them good. Leon's is probably the best-paced campaign, followed by Jake's which is good but gets a lot worse in the last couple missions, but it's overall ok: Chris's campaign is total chaos, and the last campaign is an insult to gaming. They didn't even TRY to make Ada's campaign decent, it feels like something they added at the very last moment and the second before they closed development they added co-op. Every other campaign is conceived to be experienced as a co-op experience, just like the previous game, but Ada's is a SINGLE-PLAYER campaign in which the second player can't do anything except shooting. No interactions, no co-op segments, nothing. Player 1 (controlling Ada) decides when to keep going, Player 2 can't even do QTEs and spends half the time walking and looking at Ada: on top of that, this campaign is shorter than the others and doesn't really add anything to the game, except for Ada's signature weapon, the crossbow.
Escape sections suck, especially Chris's. They would work with tank controls, but the camera works against the player and you end up dying without knowing what hit you.
he most infuriating thing though has to be the action button. Imagine this: you're holding the run/action key, running somewhere, and you pass near an object you can jump on/off/over: even if it is BEHIND you, the game will make you interact with it. Why would I interact with something I'm not even looking at with the camera? Who thought it would be a good idea?
There are some good things about it: the dodge system is fun and satisfying, the melee combat with all the different stuns and finishers expands on what RE5 did, and it is fun when it works (ie: when you actually can stomp an enemy if you see the on-screen prompt, not whiff your attack because the game is jank), and Mercenaries is good, but I think overall RE5 is a far better and more polished game, with a consistent campaign and a less technical but more functional gameplay.