(Played via Return to Arkham. Third Playthrough. Though not entirely done just yet. Still got 100% stuff to do. Might update after)

Even now this game is amazing. Takes what Arkham Asylum does and improves on what it does great and fixes some things it doesn't do great. I think my main problem (outside of 100% (or at least what I've done of it) is just like, while I do like them more, I still could do without the Catwoman sections, and I wish there was a way to skip them without uninstalling the DLC (which you can't do for Return to Arkham and I think the console releases of the GOTY version.)

((old review) Played via Return to Arkham. Third playthrough)
Great game I love a lot.
Screw hard mode though

(Replay; 101%)
I think this was my 4th time playing through this game and outside of (I feel) some stinky enemy placement, some WTH bonus room placement, and every boss sans K. Rool being way too easy, this game is still a great one. Has a good difficulty curve (I feel), good music, and a lot of charm

Pretty good, though I feel the game does go on a little too long (probably not helping is World 7 sucks and World 8 I think is the longest world in the game (World 9 was mostly fine)), the combat roll absolutely blows and either screwed or killed me way way more than it ever helped, and the final boss just straight up blows. But outside of those, I mostly enjoyed my time and would say to check it out (I will (probably) laugh so hard if this game is one of the next NSO games)