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Caul completed Roboquest
I've tried several FPS rouglites, and this is definitely the one that does it the best by far. Lots of weapons, lots of skill mix ups and fun gunfights. Some boss patterns are a bit annoying as you have to look around too much to see what's actually happening, leading to low damage to them o being constantly hit from outside pov if you don't. And I'd really like a map. Finding a quest item and not remembering where it goes is just really annoying and time consuming.

1 day ago

Caul finished RoboCop: Rogue City
What it does well is the action and actually making it feel like you're in control of Robocop and not just a generic shooter with a Robocop skin. Though the parts that aren't shooting suffer for it. Constantly walking back and forth, at times where it really should just teleport you, at Robocop's snail pace.

The story is the dullest, driest and most long winded so far. And a lot of it is just repeating elements from the original film, but not understanding pacing. In the film, the scenes that focus on his family take up about 5 min or so, here it's at least 30 minutes. Maybe an hour. Endless cutscenes and walking through hallways with hallucinations. If you're gonna make a 10 hour long movie, you need something worth watching. And this isn't it. Like most games.

The game ran well at the start. But it seemed the further in I got, the less optimization there was, During some of the latter fights my fps dropped down to 25 fps. And the game really doesn't look impressive enough that this should be the case. As for copying the look it more than works, but it clearly needs some work to run properly.

And this really shouldn't be a 50-60 dollar game. I've completed it, 100%, and my play time is less than 10 hours despite the copious amounts of padding.

4 days ago

5 days ago

5 days ago

Caul completed Ashes: 2063

5 days ago

5 days ago

Caul reviewed Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
No Doom, or even Duke. And compared to other remasters, this feels a bit wonky.

10 days ago

Caul finished Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
No Doom, or even Duke. And compared to other remasters, this feels a bit wonky.

10 days ago

Caul completed Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
No Doom, or even Duke. And compared to other remasters, this feels a bit wonky.

10 days ago

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