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So this certainly was a game. My co-worker put me on this game saying it's one of the best Spider-Man games. I can certainly understand why this title is beloved but unfortunately, it didn't click with me as much as I hoped.

Let's start with the positives. The best aspects of this game are the voice acting and animations. One time I got high playing and I couldn't stop laughing whenever a cutscene would play. But if we're actually being serious, the combat is great! The late game combos you get, specifically with the symbiote suit, are batshit insane. When the whip attack activates against waves of symbiotes, it's the most satisfying thing in the world. And for how jank this game is, I find it so commendable and respectable the Call of Duty: Black Ops developers were able to make a fully open world New York City. As a New Yorker, I am greatly pleased. I like that. The story was also pretty decent. It's admittedly a pretty simple story when you get down to it but I enjoyed myself, especially with the choices you're forced to pick being genuinely really compelling. I had to actually contemplate multiple times during my playthrough of what to pick, which to me, means that this mechanic perfectly set out what it was trying to do.

Now the bad stuff :D! The bosses fucking SUUUUUUUUUUUCK. If I could compare the bosses in this game to anything, it'd be the bosses in Sonic Superstars because they just go on and on and ON. Like here's how every boss goes: you fight the son of a bitch for like two minutes, then an awkward cutscene plays, and you're placed back into the fight in an even more awkward position with some of the boss's health being replenished for no damn reason. Rinse and repeat for like fifteen minutes. I think the worst offenders to this are the first Electro and Venom fights. The physics are jank as fuck, like holy shit, I didn't think climbing the walls in a Spider-Man game would be a challenge. I saw someone on Twitter the other day say this game has better physics than the Insomniac games. HUH??????? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Sure keep telling yourself that, fag. Plus the Spider-Sense mechanic is annoying as hell because of how much it works against the player. Like during the final Venom fight, instead of the Spider-Sense locking onto one of Venom's heads (when I was right in front of him mind you), it locks on to some random asshole symbiote. Good game design guys.

All in all, Web of Shadows is a good game and I had a good time playing it, it just has a lot holding it back from being a truly exceptional experience. 6/10.