2021 Games

Including retro game remasters, dlc, and games localised for the first time this year

My favourite entry in one of my favourite series, except now I actually get to play it
The kind of game that will be talked about a decade or two from now as a masterpiece besmirched by technical issues in the same vein as VTMB
The best way to end the trilogy with consistent slappers of levels
The fighting game that checks all my boxes in everything I ever wanted from a fighting game
A worthy companion to the original, exploring new issues in a similar vein while maintaining the same worldview
An excellent, more personal entry into Adol's story with the best iteration of team based combat yet, along with the expected fantastic music and some of my favourite character designs Falcom has ever made
Yuffie was always one of my favourite characters of the original, except now she's fixing every problem of the original combat system, crazy.
Good in it's own right but not my favourite game contextually in the series
A lot of what I wanted was left on the cutting room floor, but what's there is filled with so much love its hard not to feel it through every inch of this game
I honestly didn't know what a Deltarune chapter 2 would look like, and yet it has still managed to blow me away in every measure, if it was a full game it'd probably be a lot higher
The Monster Hunter I wanted after World and Iceborne continuously let me down, it just didn't come at the right time. Maybe my opinion will change but I just didn't feel as compelled to marathon through this one when all the games surrounding it caught my attention more.

Edit: Ok, I've gotten to where the base game should've ended and this is excellent, the new monsters are almost all slappers and the Narwa fight leverages the new movement options in excellent ways, effectively becoming a raid boss.
One of the most kino metroidvanias I've played, if this wasn't such a good year it'd be much higher I promise you
I feel like the opinion on this game has shifted a lot since release, but I still dig it. It's bold, and kept me at the edge of my seat at every turn, popcorn in hand.
One of the better entries in the Touhou series, with one of it's best core mechanics although let down by very spongy enemies and strange balancing between Reimu and Marisa. At least the music and art is as fantastic as always.
I really wanted to like this more, it almost has everything for me but in the end it just doesn't scratch the same itch for me in terms of how comboes feel. And the lobbies are such ass they kinda turn me off from getting back into it now that Melty is out, I will come back for Jam though
An improvement on the original in almost every way with fantastic visuals and soundtrack. I think the way the story ends lead a lot to be desired for me though, but I sense this game's strength in writing was mostly reserved for the character writing as everyone is good except Lent.
Another soulful remaster from Square Enix, but unfortunately this one kinda wore on me because of some hard HP checks, and the limited amount of side quests compared to the prior Romancing Saga 3, although in every other respect I'd say this is my favourite Saga entry to date
Played with a friend, so maybe skewed, but fantastic co-op experience you won't find anywhere else with one of the most memorable scenes from a game from this year
The new ending is bad, if the original game wasn't so shit to play there'd be nothing to justify this remake
Better than most musous I played, with a plot that's better than Persona 5 since it boasts a cast of actually pretty decent villains. I don't think it reaches any particular highs though, which Royal at least did.
A lackluster continuation of Ratchet's trend of safe, predictable, child friendly story writing. At the very least it has some great gameplay, but the secrets and collectibles this time around sucked.
The poor man's It Takes Two, not a fair assessment but it aims for the same thing It Takes Two does to middling results, it has a decent variety of activities to do but its not a very remarkable game
It's nice I guess
One of the worst JRPGs I've played in recent memory. Absolutely squandered potential of a battle system with some of the most flat and lifeless characters I've come across in recent memory. The original wasn't great to me, but this one was so much worse than I was expecting


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