My favorite game of all time and a insanely worthy successor to the original.

Very much a product of its time that ages worse every year. the sonic stages are fun bit I do not enjoy anything else tbh and the many bugs and very unfun hub world do not help its case.

One of those sadly rare sonic team pop offs. replayed this game countless times and while the game is a little too short and the classic stages can be hit or miss every single modern sonic stage (aside from THAT ONE) are a absolute blast and make it worth playing.

easily the best sonic game ever made ive put far more time into this game than anybody should.

One of my favorite story's in a game absolutely a must play for any fan of story based games

A very satisfying ending to the franchise still has issues but much better than 2 or 3

Uhhh it was aight i guess kinda forgot everything that happened lol.

I hated this entire episode until literally the last 10 minutes which I thought were actually insanely well executed just watch a YouTube vid and do not waste your time buying it.

In my opinion this is honestly and truly a masterpiece.
between the interesting and quirky combat, wonderful story, and absolutely godlike music this is my favorite game of all time and I cant wait to see how the sequel pans out.

I hate the fact that i love this game so much.
its actually incredibly fun and when its working well i cant think of a more fun multiplayer experience. that being said that's when it works which it tends to not do the talented devs have had to work with this games garbage spaghetti code for years and the cracks are really starting to show. Ill still keep playing this as my main multiplayer game but in a year or 2 I don't really know if i can keep up with its issues.