This upsets on the level of its the highest selling BN game and it sucks

My first AW game and it's still such a great time

GBA Crash is pretty good games until Purple came out and messed that all up

So you know those issues I have with Bayonetta 1?

The awkward level design, how grind happy the game gets in getting weapons and how it's equivalent of Bloody Palace is locked behind certain missions

Bayo 2 pretty much got rid of all of that and had so much enemy variety. It's the greatest Sequel a game can ask for

If you talked to me last year in 2019 about this game, I would have said that it's my most disappointing game and that it's, it's one of my favorite games.

The first half of this game is a problem but the second half turns into a goddamn classic. The music works, the graphics are really good to compliment the amazing artstyle and the combat works

I'm excited about it's probable sequel because not only it will fix the issues but it can be done really well.

I have to compare to to GoW 2018 because ideals feels similar to it but I think AC does it way better on the standard of its combat and overall direction of its game. Am I overrating it, probably but I can't help it

The only good Battle Royale

The Final Updated review:


Extra Update:: These freaks are gonna do another balance patch, the ride never ends

This game is too big brained bubble butt juicy for you.

Go back to Sonic R if you want something easy

This was the only N64 game I can properly emulate on my old crappy laptop back in 2012.

Kinda aged compared to what I remembered playing back in 2000

Mario and Crash can eat shit.

Sonic still is king of Kart racers

This game just doesn't feel good and it's worst because it gave us so many bad SMK clones

Nintendo is so f**ked when they realized Sega made a better F-Zero game.

And even worst when it's the peak