As a newcomer who's aware of Sakura Wars' existence, this game is actually not that bad. It's fun, funny, and has decent gameplay. I understand why old fans are not very appreciative of this game, but as its own thing, it's pretty good. I hope it gets a sequel one day.

Only thing memorable to come from this game is Race to Win, and even then it gets overshadowed by better Sonic themes.

Welcome to the Mega Man Legacy Collection. We have:
5 jank as fuck NES games
1 actually not so jank NES game
1 underrated SNES game
1 underrated PlayStation game
2 8bit games that has no business being 8bit, they are still pretty fun

This game is awesome! MEGA MAN IS BACK BABY!!!



The year was 2021 and Gal Gun, a fanservice light shooter, put out a better remaster than Grand Theft Auto and Sonic the Hedgehog. Strange world we live in.

So yeah this game is great. Gave me many boners. Play it.

A fun, underrated gem nobody gives a fuck about because people will claim Sega doesn't care about their classic IPs, yet when they actually do give them attention, they ignore them and continue to repeat the same shit.

AS YOU CAN'T TELL, I AM NOT A VERY HAPPY DANCING MONKEY BECAUSE OF THIS FACT (escape from the city is in the game tho so yee)

Great game to play with two hands. Would've been a perfect game to play with one hand if they added sex scenes

If New Super Mario Bros is the equivalent of a vanilla ice cream, then this game is basically vanilla ice cream with sprinkles and pecans because despite looking new and different, this game feels very generic and samey.

Still fun game though.

"Dad, can I make a Touhou fangame?"
"What? Are you gay? Hell no."
"Well what if I add elements from your childhood games?"
"You mean Mega Man and Gradius?"
"... Alright go ahead son."

Probably one of the best remakes of a classic video game I've ever played.

It's super short, super easy, super simplistic, but damn it it's also super fun.

I'm conflicted. This game has charm, decent gameplay, and the shift to 3D is admirable. But good's so clearly rushed it hurts. Technical issues, bad framerate, lack of contenr compared to previous games, tacked on and broken bisexual marriage, I can go on.

It's a shame because this could've been another hit. Oh well. Hopefully Rune Factory 6 improves upon this.

This game is peak fiction until you play it more than 2 times. After the third playthrough, I felt the fatigue hard.