This game takes the Kirby formula and transplants it into 3D perfectly. There isn't that much I can really say about the game I love the upgrade system, mouthful mode, levels, bosses, and music. I wish the story got a litle more focus like with what Planet Robotbot had but that endgame holy shit.

After 8 years of being dead this was a fun return to form. Glad the series has moved away from just being 8-bit for nostalgia and formed a very nice looking art style. The story is very sweet I love seeing Light and Wily's past and the final cutscene of Light saying Mega Man is basically a combination of their works is nice. The double gear system is a simply addintion but one that adds to the standerd Mega Man formula pretty well even if I found myself only really using speed gear during the levels and power gear was reserved for the bosses. The Special weapons have good variety in this game I found multiple places in the levels where switching to another weapon was quite useful. The Endgame was a bit lackuster though, 4 final levels but there's really only 2 since the thrid is just the boss rush and fourth is the final boss which makes it feel kinda imcomplete. I minor thing but Proto Man and Bass not being in this game feels weird. My only last complaint is that the music isn't that great for Mega Man standereds. It goes for a very synthy tone and makes all the tracks blend in with the only one I remember being Fuse Man's theme since it was used in the trailers. If you are looking for a Mega Man game to get into the franchise I would recommend this one, I just hope the series doesn't die again.

It was a talking dog. You know what I mean?