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1 day

Last played

November 17, 2021

Platforms Played


Battlefield Hardline delivers yet another first person shooter, but rather than being in a war setting this time around, it's in a police setting in Miami. With a focus of narcotics and crime, the story is presented in an episodic structure with 10 episodes playing as Detective Nick Mendoza.

With a decent story and ensemble of characters, it was very surface level characterisation and plot, with predictable twists. This isn't to say it wasn't enjoyable, because I still did have fun guns blazing every chance I got, and I did like playing in a different setting.

For me it wasn't until episode 5 where things started to ramp up and I started to enjoy it a lot more. I do like how they tried to shake up the formula in the franchise with this setting and structure, but it just needed a bit more time in the oven to flesh out characters a bit more.

i liked the environmental storytelling elements and finding clues for cases with the scanner. The soundtrack didn't stand out too much to me personally but it was still good and fit in well with the tone of the game.

Overall, I thought it was a pretty decent game that could have had a lot more going for it, but I also do appreciate shaking up the formula and breaking up the structure to experiment with something a little bit different.