I remember I accidentally deleted my save file of this game when I was on the final planet, still haunts me to this day.

Mind you I probably would've remained in the Dreamtime levels anyway, because screw that planet.

This game has a special place in my heart, because it came at a time in my life when everything was going to shit. It was my means of escape and in a way it saved me from doing something I would've regretted.

That aside having poured many hours into this game, I still believe there are some elements in the game that people will not invest in like the chain system, trust me it takes a good while to get a good flow with it but it can be done, and it's a great system for levelling up weapons and characters quick. And the story is very easy to pick up (never played the first game until later on). There's a character for every playstyle that you can main if you get tired of the other three (not until Playthrough 2 though when you can play as all four), worth mastering them all though and feels great when you can take on any enemy with any character it's one of the best feelings ever.

Forgot to add I love Weapon Lore, and this game has that in spades and some of the stories behind some of the weapons can either be really satisfying, depressing or both. And some weapons are a little tongue and cheek take Nobuyoshi for example I bet the devs had a field day with that one looking at the weapon traits.

And a final point, a certain boss battle on Playthrough 2 and 3 may cause panic and stress if you hate timed missions.

Have fun.

This game was my gateway into the Suikoden games (Suikoden IV is my favourite), and Stormfist will forever be my favourite location I remember on my first playthrough I didn't get the best ending, been replaying this again and hope to amend that this time.

I remember picking this up in 2012, I didn't click with it at all considering it was my first Resident Evil game it wasn't a great experience.

Not for me I'm afraid.

I didn't get into Borderlands 2 until 2013, to me replaying it again it's like a warm blanket.

I'm sure there are others who play it a certain way and do certain activities beforehand, in my case I'm one of those serial over-levellers (old habits die hard). I will say it's amusing walking into Frostburn Canyon and being over powered is just so much fun.

Anyway, replays aside this game will always be like a comfort food that I'll always go back to. (Minus the Caustic Caverns and Sawtooth Canyon I despise those places no matter how times I revisit them)

I love that this games lets you be an insufferable jerk to all the characters, bonus points if you go around stealing items and lugging them to other locations and characters giving up and not going after them.

I am somewhat guilty of this.

I remember a ex-friend introduced me to these games back in 2012 I wound up buying this game and the second game as well, I didn't get any sleep that day because I was engrossed with the Tales of Souls, also take great joy in being a Kilik main as one my more recent replays of this game I forgot how amusing the Turntable missions where.

And I may or may not have ringed myself out a few times, which was also left me laughing too.

I hope whoever came up with the Turntable mission got a raise.

This is probably the only season in D2 that I was completely invested in, lots of "one more gos" and I may or may not have 50 runs of Menagerie on a emblem somewhere.

Still feel like we where robbed of something so chaotic and fun. Bring this back I beg of you Bungie.

Since I came into this game via R&C 2, and I remember hating a certain timed sewer escape section, sort of repressed it and one of the reasons why I don't replay this game, because there are planets later on that I adore like the Gremlik Base, Oltanis Orbit awesome soundtrack.

But yeah, I have a love/hate relationship with this game.

I remember I had a memory card with 9x replays of this game. Good times.

Still amazed at how Insomniac got away with putting a dick joke into this game, and how it probably went over mine and many others people's heads the first time round.

This game was my entry into the R&C games, yeah the story isn't great but the comedy is there and this game never fails to make me laugh.

I can never watch the "And I need it delivered" cinematic with a straight face.

Considering that I did a re-play of this game this year and beat it again, and the less I say about Greblin the better.

First game in the trilogy got off with no problems at all...

However can't say the same for 2 & 3 have the whole lets not acknowledge the floating helmet that refuses to stay on Ratchet's head.

So I came into this after playing the second game (which I can still replay even now) can't say the same for this one, I remember I got up to Chapter 9 and peaced out after that.

And well in the second game Caim didn't make a great first impression, and that kind of soured my experience of having to play as him.

Peaced out after a certain Vault of Glass section in the story, you know how Insomniac has the Snow Beast Award? They should've awarded whoever designed that mission with that award.

In short I was never able to beat this DLC because of that part.

Fun story, I used to be a Titan main when I first played Destiny, I had a friend who I played Borderlands 2 with helped me get through most of the story. Especially with my utter confusion with the Hammer of Sol which I had no clue what I was meant to do and he helped me through it. And I later made a Warlock, fell in love with being a Void-Walking bitch in certain areas and the rest is history.

I came into Destiny very late right when there was talk of Destiny 2 which I also pre-ordered in the end, One thing I got sucked into while playing Destiny was Mayhem Clash I was never good at it. But it was fun and I may have wrecked my body clock because of that mode.