Vaguely remember an ex-friend introduced me to this game, and it led me down a rabbit hole of buying the second and third game (yeah I didn't get any sleep once I started playing Tale of Souls) anyway it lead me to be a very dickish Kilik main.

So back in 2017 I was in the D2 loop but soon found myself losing interest after a couple of seasons, and when I pocked my head in briefly back in 2022, I just didn't like being thrown straight into a location to do a mission I was clearly not prepared for and me dying as a result. I'd rather go back to tower grind a little instead, I don't care I don't want to be thrust into a mission against my will thank you very much.

The way things have gone since my last visit, I think I can't be invested as I was back in 2017-2020.

And them sunsetting weapons, planets and raids just soured things for me.

This DLC bought some comedic deaths on my end, namely death by Cabal Pod and death by Xol falling on top of my poor Guardian.

Also the search for the Memory Fragments was well worth it, despite the wild goose chase of back tracking and making sure you shot them all.

Ah, Tekken 7 have a fun history with this game, from buying it to selling it and owning it digitally and rebuying a physical copy again. Anyway, when I was playing Heihatchi's campaign and I reached Claudio and well. Curse that man. For both looking like a hunk and his annoying fighting style (fun to play as him, not so much when I'm on receiving end of it) I swear hot men in fighting games will always result in me losing.

And I still have not moved from that location.

Like with Silent Hill 2, I became very good at Silent Hill 3 which I also played in 2009 as well. Though I liked the transitions to the other world more, really takes the cake on giving you that feeling of disgust and yet also the feeling of fascination at the same time.

Probably spent more time in the other worlds then I should've, something I learned years ago this game was meant to be very different but well we all know Konami likes to get stick it's nose in and well you know...

On one hand we got a great game but on the other would've loved to have played the original vision Team Silent had planned. Ah well.

Count this as a comfort game, and also qualifies as one of the most aesthetically pleasing games I've played.

And I can quite happily speed run it on the odd occasion, and it has one of those soundtracks that you can return to.

I only ever attempt this DLC if I'm a over-levelled bully. First time I played this it did not go as planned, having two Goliaths rampaging may seem like a neat idea, but in execution not so much just means more annoyance on my end.

This was my gateway game to the Final Fantasy series, and what an introduction it was. Mind you my wanderlust meant I got stuck in a location because I stupidly was under-levelled. I never did get past that location I just remember an enemy just stomped the party off the map.

I remember playing a demo of this, and I may have cheesed an ice attack that prevented the poor person who was playing against me from attacking me because they where thrown across the map.

Second hand embarrassment that I found this on here, anyway I was pretty good at it at it.

I never beat this, but a certain spell you learn which can be spammed is burned into my brain not for the better.

Things I wish I'd cheesed the first time I played this game back in 2017:

Grummel Net Industries healing spam don't ask just thank me later.

I spent most of my time in this game, just messing around in the space sections listening to House of Synth instead of actually doing the story.

I regret nothing.

And this was part of me playing catch-up on games I missed back in 2017.

I remember I got to a water area in the game and peaced out after that (it was just me playing as Ratchet and the AI controlling Clank not fun playing this game alone). But I did enjoy the soundtrack especially the theme you hear when you pass a village early on and a lab theme, I went out of my way to try and find those tracks because I liked them.

I was somewhat late to the HZD party back in 2017, needless to say I was woefully underprepared to take on the Sawtooth, because of simple wanderlust and my desire to ignore all side missions in the area. Yeah. I had to start over because of that blunder.

HZD quickly became a favourite, once I mastered being a dick to Sawtooths, Bandits and the odd Shadow Carja who wound up being on the receiving end of me firing an arrow into their backside (I found it funny) this game lets me be a dick and I love it for that.

And the story did actually make me cry. And very few games have managed to do that, and I did watch the end credits too which well yeah I cried at that too.