I wanted to wait awhile to rate this game because I wanted to see if and how the devs would continue to support and update it, and now I am ready to say: Helldivers 2 is one of the greatest co-op shooters I have ever played.

It’s hard to put into words what makes this game so damn special, but I’ll do my best.

First things first, this game got me and my buddies into online gaming again. We haven’t played anything together regularly since Overwatch(the good version) and I was honestly starting to miss the nights where we all got on and played together. We tried a few games here and there, but none of them seemed to capture the online multiplayer magic we were missing. Until now. We are constantly laughing, yelling, communicating, and messing around each and every night we dive, and I don’t see us stopping anytime soon.

The game is just downright fun. I get that shooters aren’t for everyone, but I really got into gaming because of shooters. While they aren’t even close to my favorite genre, I still hold them near and dear to my heart, especially when I find one as fun as this. Even @DVince89, who doesn’t love a lot of shooters, is having a ton of fun with this one. There are so many ways to play because of all the options you have available, from guns and airstrikes, to turrets and different armor perks. Everyone is a bit different and you can really create a good strategy when you are all carrying unique items. Each mission type comes with its own challenges and makes you change your approach each time you drop in, and it even depends on which enemy type you are fighting! I know I’m not doing a great job of selling how fun this game is, but just trust me on this. Get a friend or 2 or 3 and dive in, you’ll have a blast.

I’m so happy to see how Arrowhead is breathing fresh air into the live service genre of games. They are updating this game constantly, not with just bug fixes and QoL improvements, but with hoards of new items, weapons, missions, etc! And the best part, you don’t have to spend a dime for any of it. A lot of the updates come free of charge, but even the Warbonds(think battle pass from Fortnite or similar) can be obtained by just playing the game, because you can collect the in game currency in missions! I spent the original 40 dollars on the game(STEAL by the way) and haven’t spent anymore on it, yet I have every warbond that has been released! Which is another awesome thing about these devs and their continued support. They are releasing a new warbond with weapons, armor, etc.. every month for the foreseeable future, which means I always have something I am working towards!

Last thing I am going to talk about for now, because I could talk about this game for hours. I am typically a person that likes more challenging games. Sure I take a break from that to enjoy a peaceful, slow paced game, but overall I am looking for difficulty. But in this game, it doesn’t matter if you like easy, somewhat challenging, or insanely difficult gameplay because this game offers it all! There are difficulty levels 1-9, so you can truly play at whatever level makes your experience the best. It’s just an awesome feature that a lot of games lack, and I’m here for it!

This game was truly an amazing surprise. It came out of nowhere and now it’s capturing the hearts of soooo many. And the community around it is pretty awesome! I have joined randoms many times and had great experiences with them. I am so excited to see where they take the game from here, and I can’t wait until my next dive into hell.

*this review is sponsored by Super Earth, and paid by its citizens. FOR DEMOCRACY!!

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2024
