Story is just build up for TLOU2.
The game itself is also worse then 2 in any way 🦆

Most underrated game ever maybe?

The Game of Thrones of Fighting Games 🦆

Still you can't deny that the game has great visuals, a lot more content then MK1 and the Story mode was fun (not as good as MK1 tho) but the game died very quickly and was only fun for the first few months. The DLC's were also dissapointing

Street fighter games mostly are mid-solid at launch and then great-peak at the end.
This game is already by far the best fighting game ever made how tf does that even work...
This WILL be the best game ever in a few years 😭 (outside of like Ragnarok and Xenogears obv)

It's even worse than Baldurs Gate 🦆

Dropping this after 2k14 should be a crime

This game has the most bugs/glitches ever 🦆