Top 50 Favorites: #13

Like if that spark of wide-eyed childhood wonderment we're inevitably forced to stuff away somewhere deep was a video game - in which you are asked to see the world the way a child sees it, like a blank canvas where the possibilities of what you can do/create just seem so boundless. A world in which the ones who are older - the ones with power - don't take advantage of us, and instead gaze upon us in admiration as they ready our seats at their proverbial table. Though most importantly, a world in which a life rendered incomplete can still see through to its beautiful conclusion - where our fears of fading away forever are remedied. Feels like walking right inside of an artist's easel, with a lovely painted sketchbook palette, sweet fairytale vibes, and unforgettable music. Gives you so many neat gameplay mechanics one right after the other just to have fun with, what a treat. Never, ever fails to enchant and impress.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2023
