Graphically impressive, aesthetically grim, mechanically dull, narratively ruinous. While personally I don't think Resident Evil 4 cracks even the top 3 RE games, it's always stupefying to revisit just how misread the success to that one was when they were creating this. Someone clearly must have thought that RE4 being more action-oriented meant that that was all people wanted out of them, or something? Idefk? At any rate, like everyone else has already mentioned sucking the horror out of this horror franchise was a huge mistake - one made during the beginning of gaming franchise hell, where tons of games thought that dumbass QTEs and being the most like a bland Michael Bay movie was the future. Which would be one thing entirely if the action or bombast here was actually that good - and it isn't really, the only worthwhile asset is the usual MVP Wesker in full Matrix ripoff mode. Even as cockamamie as Resident Evil - CODE: Veronica X was, at least it was still grounded in sincerely creepy dread and its silliness felt both fun and surprising. This has its moments but ugh, what a dud. Sheva Alomar is a total nonentity here and her A.I. should be studied by MENSA on how to make the most useless, annoying possible partner system you're of course forcibly chained to for the entire thing. And what they did to Jill Valentine in this is another crime entirely. I'm all for trash but this is just drab, though in its defense everyone who said this was racist hasn't actually played the game.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2022
