Cute. As twee and inoffensive a new-gen tech demo as Knack, which this is (slightly) objectively better than as a game but worse as the aforementioned tech demo. Does little to sell me on the DualSense adaptive feedback stuff even while it's very fun to use; whereas at least Knack's incredible graphical showcase sold me on the PS4's power immediately. Make no mistake, this is fun and reasonably charming enough in bursts to get a pass but you can also effortlessly 100% it in a handful of hours while still taking time to explore everything. Didn't blow me away but regardless, I can confidently call this a nice time. Also gives me a bad taste in my mouth how 'lovingly' they reference games/series that Sony has either totally forgotten about, abandoned, and/or burned into the ground.

Reviewed on Jan 25, 2023


1 year ago

i don't think it's fair to say this is a bad showcase of the dualsense. if you're not sold on it now then i'm positive you never will be

1 year ago

I don't think it's a bad showcase - the stuff it does show off is kind of fun but it does next to nothing to show me why I should pick a PS5 over a PS4. Especially when Tearaway: Unfolded - a Vita port - did most of this stuff better on the PS4 years before anyway.

1 year ago

well frankly the reason you should pick a ps5 over a ps4 is because the ps4 can barely run its own games comparatively. the controller is give or take depending on the person, but being able to actually play the games you own is my personal favorite feature