Fun game with great atmosphere but has clearly aged poorly in terms of graphics and small gameplay mechanics

Great immersive F1 sim with arcady elements. Decent on controller but great on a sim setup especially with a proper f1 wheel

Great game that has stood the test of time. Has great RPG elements that impact the way you play. Has some weird compatibility issues though with modern hardware which made me put it off finishing it for a while.

Great game with entertaining combat but gameplay is kinda mid and hasn't aged well

Great entertaining campaign with superior gameplay to CE and anniversary provides the new life this game needed. score is solid and campaign was a rewarding experience

Cool fun racing sim game with decent physics and handling model. Would be a 5 star if this had support for modern thurstmaster wheels but still a great game with good controller support.

The perfect open-world racing game that is immersive on a wheel but was clearly made for a controller. A great experience on your own is further amplified by being able to play with friends.

The definitive superhero game with minimal flaws. Has aged like fine wine and is arguably the ultimate batman experience

The perfect racing sim once you involve mods. Love the fact that you can drive almost any car on any track. This game essentially taught me how to drive a manual. I usually race F1 cars especially since it was the only way to race 2022 f1 cars until f1 22 comes out later this year.

This game is fucking killing me man. I've been grinding this game so hard. Arguably one of the best star wars game that's still supported today but the grind is a fucking nightmare and the pay to win is annoying asf. However there are few things better then when dominate ur opponent in gac or unlock that new legendary you've been grinding for the last 6 months.

Great game but definitely a bit overrated. Level design and lightsaber combat has aged. Graphically not as great as it might've been back then but still a great game. Very hard to grind though honestly so just played here and there cbf getting that 100%

Great fun game and good way to kill some time but its a slow burner and best played here and there. Not that great as an overall star wars experience as its limited to just sequel era content but still fun overall.

This has got to be the greatest transformers game ever conceived and one of the best single player games. Screw activision for getting rid of high moon studios because if this had a sequel by them, it could've been even better. One of the best transformers experiences and the final mission is arguably my favourite final mission in any game where everything you learnt comes into play. Score and gameplay is amazing and graphics still look great at high resolutions considering its over 10 years old now.

Great witcher experience with a decent score and a very entertaining villain in the form of Letho. Gameplay is kinda ass especially compared to witcher 3.