To the narcissist psychopath who made labyrinth zone,
I hope your pillow is always on the hot side And your soup is always cold

Local italian plumber causes chaos in the kingdom after getting stoned on some weird mutated mushroom,

Witnesses claim he started jumping over pedestrian heads while throwing molotov cocktails at anyone who approached him,

Officer K. Boswer who was present at the scene, claims that the suspect kept going from building to building searching for his "Peach" and "Princess" which he insisted was taken from him, It was later found our that it's the nick-name for his daughter which tragically lost her life a few weeks ago when their pet turtle accidentally pushed a hammer over her head.

The suspect's brother Luigi claims that his brother was in a mentally unstable condition after the incident and pleads innocent to all the charges presented against him.

Extremely grindy, Extremely slow, Extremely boring.

The concept of these games is based on grinding, collecting Pokemons and Levelling them up, Which is the worst part of any RPG game ever !
Seriously, I believe the only reason any person would like this game is Purely due to nostalgia, I Personally never had any childhood with Pokemon, i didn't like the anime (I was a Yu-Gi-Oh kid) and didn't play any of the games till now.

I will give it that the music can sometimes be good, And i was having fun for the first hour or something while exploring the wilderness for the first time, But it got old and repetitive pretty quickly.

I will give it a 1.5/5

It has an interesting story and a unique art style, can't wait for chapter 3

My biggest criticism is that everyone in this game is SO EVIL and EXTREMELY cruel, they almost sound like Israelies

This was one of my favorite childhood games, I remember playing it for hours and hours, But i never really played it like an actual hitman game,
I just used to go in, kill a guy with a cool costume, take the cool costume and kill everyone i encounter,

I wanted to have the "Real Hitman Experience" so i decided to replay the game in 2024,
Now for my honest Review :

Let me start with the story,
It's Non-sense, It starts as if it's trying to show Agent 47's struggle with "Humanity" and "Existence", but that literally existed for the First Mission and was never referred to again,

But to be fair, No one actually plays Hitman for the story, It Simply exists so it can act as a Motive or some form of Excuse to send you to Missions all over the world, From the crowded streets of India to Hidden castle in a snowy valley of japan, etc...,

Now the "Missions and Level Design",
It's very Much hit or miss, Sometimes you are playing an extremely well crafted Mission that is fully detailed with so many ways you can beat the level, Many of them even became Iconic in the series, Missions like "Terminal Hospitality" or "Basement Killing" are some of the best !

On the other hand, some missions feel so linear, They Act as a Filler, It's clear that the focus was on quantity rather than the quality, There is so many Missions that feel as if they should have been merged together to form 1 big quality level, But the focus was clearly on the quantity

I will be classifying the Missions in this game into 3 categories

Useless Filler/Should have never existed :
-Hidden Valley
-At the Gates
-Graveyard Shift
-Tunnel Rat
-Temple City Ambush
-St. Petersburg Revisited
-Redemption At Gontranno
(I recommend you just Max Payne your way through these levels, they aren't really worth the trouble, Especially with the terrible Ai in this game)

Kinda Linear/Feels like a Cut content :
-Kirov Park Meeting
-Tubeway Torpedo
-Tracking Hayamoto
-Motorcade Interception

The Real deal/Iconic :
-St. Petersburg Stakeout
-Invitation To A Party
-Shogun Showdown
-Basement Killing
-The Jacuzzi Job
-Murder At The Bazaar
-Death Of Hannelore
-Terminal Hospitality

Now for the Gameplay,
It Heavily Encourages the Use of stealth (Except for the last Mission and the snowy japan missions), Agent 47 have so many fun gadgets to use, And you keep on unlocking more as you progress through the game,

They Ranking system is a very nice addition, It gives you a reason to Re-play the Level and try to actually Improve and Play as professional as possible,

Saving your game is an essential part of Hitman, You will need to save your game to try out different Plans and ideas, And don't worry this is not save scumming, the game gives you a limited amount of saves per Mission so use them wisely

Now we go to a very very Major problem, Technical Issues (For Pc),
Trying to Launch this game on a Modern Hardware is the definition of "Suffer",
You have to Manually change the Resolution in Hitman2.ini by pasting this

Resolution 1920x1080
DisableHWTnL 0
Window 1
EnableP5 0
StartUpperPos 0,0

And if that worked and the game started then don't get comfortable yet because we are only getting started,
It might happen that you encounter a glitch (Happened to me) where all characters in the game become black,
The solution for this to go to hitman2.ini again and change "DrawDll RenderD3D.dll" to "RenderOpenGL.dll" (Or vise versa),

And if that worked then wait we are not done yet, you might encounter a problem which makes you character move in slow motion, turns out this is because of the Unlimited FPS so you need to use a third party app so you can limit the FPS to 60,

These are the the technical issues i presonally faced

Now for the Enemy Ai,
It is extremely broken, Enemies will kill you if you even dare to move fast, And they will be able to recognize you even if you were wearing the perfect cover and did Absolutely nothing wrong, Sometimes they can even see you through walls And kill you instantly !!

Overall, Hitman 2: Silent Assassin is a good game that was limited by the technical issues, and focus on quantity of content rather than the quality, but that doesn't mean the game doesn't have any quality Missions that are worth playing, It does Include some of the best in the series, but also Include some of the worst,

I give this game 3/5

Guys will play this and just think "hell yeah"

Have you heard of the term "Fun" ? Yea, that doesn't exist in this game

This is a Major draw back from the First game,

Episode 1 Is basically a Mid tutorial, Not much really going on other than showing you the new game mechanics.

Episode 3 shouldn't exist in Any Video game Ever,
It's a disaster in terms of writing and characters,
It is so bad that it made me quit video games for a while

Episode 2 is just trash,
Extremely rushed in the script with many events that make 0 sense ! And logic is often thrown out of the window for the sake of a Plot twist

The final episode is the only "good" episode in this game and it is the only episode that actually feels engaging, And even this one feels abit rushed in some times

Overall you can feel how cheap and rushed this game is, It doesn't even come close to the quality of the first game

So, This is what having friends feels like

It has been so long since i have played a game that feels "It's own thing",
Truly this game is underrated, it has it's flaws (Like the repetitive Puzzels) but it's 100% worth Playing.

Are You Guilty ? Better Call Saul
Are You Innocent ? Better Call Phoenix

This is the very first game i have ever beaten ! This series have a special place in my heart <3