7 reviews liked by CleoAir

I'm a simple woman. I see a gacha with evil older women, I click install. If you're into red flags this is the game for you.

Extremely gratifying to play. This is the first shmup I ever really got into, and I suppose it's because the roguelike quality makes it so accessible. Just boot it up and have a go. For ten minutes or two hours. Just round after round.

This game is hilarious and cute! Highly recommend!

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i hate all my friends after this

Valdis Story is one of those games that almost doesn't feel real - I've never really found another game like it, I've only met one person who's even heard of it, and its atmosphere is unlike any others, and I'm fairly sure I've had dreams similar in atmosphere to this game. It's a gorgeous game with a wonderful soundtrack, amazing aesthetic, a compelling story and gameplay that does take a bit to get used to but hits its stride.

It's a little on the difficult side for sure though, and that's not a bad thing objectively, but there were several points I either gave up or almost gave up on - the poison boss and the final boss being special mentions for annoying. Though there are plenty of fun ones too but I don't remember ALL of the bosses orz

The game's optional features are worth a mention - with the one other person I know who's played this game, there was a lot of discussion on optional choices we made throughout the game, just enough that between those and character choice, each person's experience of the game is sufficiently unique!!

I wasn't the best at it, but I adore this game and I'm worried it'll never get a sequel :(