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ClicheChad reviewed Nothing
It's just a timer. A waste of time
Instead of playing Nothing go do something

1 day ago

ClicheChad completed Nothing

1 day ago

ClicheChad reviewed Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3
Literally peak
In a cast of 50 playable characters every voice line is iconic and will stay engraved in your brain. Every character has a theme and with the exception of a few they're all bangers. The cast of fighters feel perfect in its range of cool and weird picks going from Vergil and Ghost Rider to M.O.D.O.K. and Shuma Gorath but also unexpected characters like Phoenix Wright and Rocket Racoon, and they all feel complete with varied movesets and different styles of play.

The gameplay is fucking awesome, those cinematic hyper combos make me feel immense joy the likes of which no other fighting game can provide. The background flashing blue really sells the hyper combos for me, really makes it feel dynamic. X-factor has be one of the best comeback mechanics ever known. Vergil basically runs this game but most of cast is still viable with maybe Hsien-Ko as the sole exception.

I haven't mentioned it yet but the art style for this game is soooo goooooooood I don't know how to put it into words exactly but it just looks cool! The cel-shading just works beautifully for all these characters that come from all sorts of different looking comics and games.

This game came to me at a random point in my life and I accepted it into my heart and it has remained there as my favorite fighting game ever since.

1 day ago

ClicheChad completed VRChat

1 day ago

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ClicheChad is now playing Zuma

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ClicheChad backloggd Peggle

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